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The most important fact we can impart to you, whether you choose us or not, and regardless of your current methods of hair removal, is that electrolysis is the one and only way to permanent hair removal over time. Our ElectroYogi team of electrologists uses the finest and speediest epilators available to the market, and have a wide variety of modalities to make sure we treat your individual skin with the utmost care, while also ensuring permanent destruction to your follicles. ElectroYogi Electrolysis designs custom treatment plans and packages for all areas of the body from head to toe. Depending on which areas you’re targeting, and what your previous methods of hair removal have been, your hair’s coarseness, darkness and strength will vary. Nicole and the ElectroYogi team will work with you to make sure every hair growth cycle is captured and all the hairs in that cycle are destroyed as quickly as possible. This is not an overnight process, but it is a permanent one. You will witness your skin take on a whole new radiance and feel smooth as a young babe. At your first appointment, we will sit down and review your health history and you will learn everything you need to know about becoming hair free – permanently. You’ll be given detailed counsel on an optimal before and after-care regimen as you go through your treatment plan to ensure the best and most beautiful results. ElectroYogi pays the finest attention to detail regarding sanitation, sterilization, discretion and most of all to the health of your body and skin. Once you’ve gone through the journey of electrolysis, you will be sold forever just like we have been.

To achieve permanent results, electrolysis requires a series of treatments so that we can permanently destroy the hair follicles at each cycle of growth and stop the blood flow to those follicles. Your hair grows in cycles, which vary according to body part… we usually see all the cycles of growth appear over a 12-18 month period (legs not included), meaning you can be completely hair free in less than a year and a half if you’re consistent about treatments and sticking to electrolysis best practices. The duration of your overall treatment plan will vary based on area of the body, and your previous methods of hair removal. When you come in for your consultation and initial treatment, your ElectroYogi will evaluate your hair and design a customized plan to get you permanently hair free.

Before Care FAQ

Is it painful?

ElectroYogi Electrolysis uses state of the art epilation equipment which is extremely comfortable, however if you are particularly sensitive or worried about pain, feel free to take ibuprofen, motrin, or another pain reliever. You may also apply a topical anesthetic, which we can recommend for you after your first visit. We offer a great topical for sale as a cash product here at the office.

What do I need to do before coming in to prepare?

Be sure to have NOT shaved, waxed or done any other method of hair removal for 3 days before treatment. The hairs need to be long enough to be grabbed with a professional tweezer. I strongly recommend shaving 3 days before treatment so that we can ensure completely permanent results for those hairs present. Also, be sure to drink plenty of water the day before and of your treatment. Try to avoid caffeine on the day of treatment.

How much will it cost to remove my hairs permanently?

Because of the cyclical nature of hair growth, we cannot guestimate how long your plan will take or how much you will spend to become hair free permanently. When you come for treatment, your ElectroYogi will advise you on approximately how long to expect for treatments over your particular areas’ growth cycles.

What areas do you treat?

We provide head to toe services – eyebrows, hairline, upper lip, chin, neck, back, abdomen, bikini, arms, chest, breasts, legs and feet.

How often will I have to come for treatment?

ElectroYogi will work with you and the frequency of your hair growth cycles to eliminate your hair permanently in a reasonable amount of time. At first, you will come quite frequently for treatment. Then it will be less and less often and for a shorter treatment time.

Preparing for your ElectroYogi electrolysis appointment

To ensure the most beautiful results in your permanent hair removal journey, please partner with your ElectroYogi in this simple before and after care routine. Your skin and hair will be forever grateful!

Before your appointment

  • Please shave or clip (as absolutely close to the surface of the skin) the areas to be treated 3-4 days before treatment. This will ensure we have hairs to work with that are in the most active stage of growth.Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Since ample moisture content is one of the key factors in the success of electro-epilation, please consume as much pure water as possible at least 24 hours before treatment. In the hours directly before your appointment, please try to drink at least 24-48 ounces. I cannot emphasize this enough, as simple hydration (inside and externally) will make your treatments so so much more effective and comfortable.Skip your morning cup o’Joe, especially in the hours before your appointment. Please also steer clear of sodas or other stimulants. Your nervous system will be calmer and your hair follicles will respond better to treatment.
  • Moisturize the areas to be treated topically in the morning before your appointment as per your regular skin care routine.
  • Please be clean and fresh when having bodywork treatments. If you’ve just come from your daily workout, kindly freshen up in the ElectroYogi restroom prior to treatment.
  • If having an underarm treatment, please skip your deodorant or antiperspirant on the day of your appointment. The follicle mouth will be more receptive to treatment as a result.
  • Most importantly, RELAX! Breathe and enjoy the fact that you are becoming hair free permanently. You’re blessed to be receiving treatment from the finest equipment available — Exhale.

After your appointment
Keep it clean. Your ElectroYogi will have taken the most detailed precautions to protect your skin before and after treatment. Please refrain from touching, rubbing, scratching or squeezing the area(s) treated. We recommend (particularly for areas like upper lip or where bacteria easily accumulates) using gentle tea tree moistened wipes (NOT full strength tea tree oil) to sanitize the area 2 times per day. Also feel free to simply use your favorite gentle cleanser. Follow with 100 percent aloe vera at night or your favorite moisturizer/ lotion. ElectroYogi carries a beautiful line of completely natural products that can also speed and enhance your optimal recovery.

Please stay out of the sun for at least 24 hours after treatment, especially on the face. If you are out and about, please use a moisturizer or sunscreen with SPF 28 or above – more than 30 is not necessary, however it IS VITAL to protect yourself from the sun during your healing phase else you could subject your skin to hyperpigmentation

After underarm treatments, please refrain from using deodorant or antiperspirant for 24 hours after treatment

After face treatments, please refrain from using makeup, particularly creamy foundations, for 24 hours after treatment.

Allow the skin to form its natural protective barrier for healing prior to introducing any potential irritants.

Refrain from hot tubs, pools, saunas, steam rooms or extreme workouts (Bikram or Ashtanga yoga, running, or anything that will get you very sweaty) for at least 48 hours after treatment. Let’s ensure that no unnecessary bacteria is introduced into the treated areas

Please try to wear loose-fitting clothes, particularly in bikini, nape, and underarm areas treated so as to allow the skin maximum breathing and healing opportunities.

Electrolysis After Care FAQ

Since electrolysis does introduce electric action inside the dermal layer of the skin, you will notice some superficial reaction on the epidermis while your skin is healing from treatment. Don’t worry – this is completely natural and will go away in a few days. Here are a few FAQs about the healing process and some things to look for in the highly unlikely case you experience any unusual symptoms.

What will happen to my skin after treatment?

Your ElectroYogi will do a thorough after-care process that will calm and soothe the areas treated, and minimize any after treatment reaction. However, the following healing symptoms are perfectly normal and expected:

  • Slight redness (disappears within hours of treatment)
  • Slight soreness in area (dissipates in 24-48 hours)
  • Minor swelling (disappears within hours of treatment)
  • Tiny red scabs on the follicles (usually appears after 24-48 hours and disappears in less than a week)
  • Occasional milia or whiteheads in the areas treated (most often seen in the upper lip area). These are normal, and is the body’s way of evacuating bacteria that was already inside the follicle before treatment.

What if the area does not seem to be healing?

In the highly unlikely event of an infection, you will witness symptoms within 24 hours. If you notice any sign of infection – pus, extreme redness, extreme soreness – contact first your ElectroYogi, and then your doctor.

What are the best after-care products to use?

Your ElectroYogi will help you find the best before and after care products based on your individual skin and hair. We offer an amazing selection of natural, paraben-free, cruelty free and all-botanically-based products for preparing and healing the skin. Our motto is CLEANSE, MOISTURIZE, SUN PROTECT, and DRINK MORE WATER. Feel free to ask any of our electrologists and especially our esthetician about these wonderful products and how they may help you ensure flawless skin long after your permanent hair removal journey is done. Most importantly, we are only as good as our partnership with you, so please be committed to your skin care routine to ensure the most beautiful results every treatment and beyond.

More Questions? Good. We’ve got answers. Check out Electrolysis 401 (Why Electrolysis?), the master class in permanent hair removal, because we want you to have every tool available to make the right choices on your yellow brick road to hairlessness.

Why Electrolysis

At ElectroYogi Electrolysis, we take the utmost time, care and concern for your permanent hair removal journey because every one of us here has been there with unwanted hair. We have stories! And when you visit, you will not only hear our stories, but you will know that it is our greatest goal to get you hair free… permanently. No gimmicks, and no short cuts, but no more unwanted hair anywhere – for life.

We can’t wait to free you from fur!

~Nicole and the ElectroYogi team

Why Electrolysis?

Get ready for your master class in how to be hairless for life.

Why do I feel like the hairiest person on the planet?

If you are embarrassed by unwanted hair, you are not alone. It is estimated that 90% of all men and women are affected to some degree. Factors that can cause or add to unwanted hair growth are: heredity, stress, glandular or hormonal imbalances, puberty, reactions to certain medications, pregnancy,menopause and the aging process generally, as well as excessive waxing & tweezing that in many cases will contribute to hair growing back coarser,darker and deeper than before.

What is normal hair growth?

Every hair on your body is produced independently and hair will regenerate at varying rates,
depending upon the area of the body it’s found. After a hair sheds or is sloughed, the follicle will become dormant for a time varying from a few weeks to a few months at which time it begins its growth cycle once again. It’s important to understand that what may appear to be “re-growth” during the initial treatment period is actually “undergrowth hair”emerging from its dormant state. Now that you understand what normal hair growth is, you will be able to better evaluate your progress during your treatment cycle.

What is Electrolysis and will it work for me?

Electrolysis is the only method of permanent hair removal, period.

To trace the origins of electrolysis, one needs to go back to 1875 when an ophthalmologist
discovered that he could permanently remove ingrown eyelashes from his patients by energizing a fine needle and inserting it into the follicle of the eyelash. From these early attempts to rid people of unwanted hair, there has been continued medical research and development that has made electrolysis both a safe and reliable method of treatment. Today, the American Medical Association and the Federal Drug Administration recognize electrolysis as a safe and permanent method of hair removal.

Electrolysis also addresses other dermatological problems with hair follicles. Just one example is the removal of ingrown hair to prevent the formation of cysts.

How does electrolysis work?

Electrolysis involves inserting a fine, pre-sterilized, disposable probe into the hair follicle. The skin is not punctured or harmed. As light amount of current is then applied through the probe. Effective treatment of the mid and lower follicle accomplishes permanent hair removal by destroying the dermal papilla. When the dermal papilla is completely de-activated, no further hair growth can occur. If in an initial treatment, a hair is only damaged an undernourished weaker hair will grow. This hair will be finer and more susceptible to treatment.

Has technology changed much over the years?

Since its origins in 1875, electrolysis like most technologies has changed dramatically. Today’s epilators are powerful computers that deliver bursts of energy measured in thousandths of a second to eliminate unwanted hair permanently. We modulate both time and intensity of my epilator settings to match all clients’ tolerance levels. Speed and comfort are synonymous with modern electrolysis. Here at ElectroYogi, we have the most current epilator on the market, just released in 2014, and we are the first in all of Los Angeles to offer it to our customers!

How many treatments are needed?

The number of treatments required will vary with each person and according to factors such as the amount of hair in the treatment area, sensitivity of your skin, medication and hormone balance, and the previous methods of hair removal, just to name a few. It is important to know that we can only permanently treat the hairs that are currently growing. We cannot know how many hairs will eventually grow or when your body will stimulate new growth.

It is therefore very important that electrolysis is performed upon the detection of re-growth. Left untreated, hair will reconstitute itself to its original diameter and depth. Once a treatment program begins, it is important that appointments are kept to the predetermined schedule set at the beginning of your program.

Most clients find that weekly sessions beginning at thirty minutes to one-hour work best.

Eventually as the hair is removed, moving to 15-minute touch-up treatments on a less frequent basis is sufficient. Again, the more closely you adhere to a treatment schedule, the sooner you will become hair-free forever.

Is electrolysis expensive?

Fees for electrolysis are in keeping with those for other esthetic services but considering that electrolysis treatments result in permanent hair removal, the cost is nominal. Continuous use of temporary methods over years will in fact cost considerably more than electrolysis.

Estimating the cost of electrolysis is something that can only be done after a consultation, as every client is different. How often you need to come in depends upon the density of hair as well as previous methods of hair removal, to name only two factors. The goal of a consultation is to evaluate the area to be treated and to educate you on your options. At that time, we will set a schedule that works for you and we will estimate the overall cost of the plan. Again, consistency is the most important factor in electrolysis. Overtime, we will re-evaluate your progress and together we will reach your goal of being hair-free.

Does electrolysis hurt?

Today, most of my clients describe the sensation of electrolysis as “quick warmth”. Some areas may be more sensitive than others and at certain times of the month you may feel more sensitive.

With today’s digital equipment,adjustments can be made to create a more comfortable treatment experience. Over the counter products are also available to desensitize a treatment area for those who are more sensitive. Taking your favorite pain reliever 30 minutes before an appointment can also lessen the sensation of treatment.

Can hair be removed from moles?

To be reassured that the mole in question is “normal” and not pre-cancerous, we request written approval from your physician.

Can pregnant women have electrolysis?

The hormonal changes brought on by pregnancy can frequently be the cause of unwanted hair.
Electrolysis can be performed on anyone, anywhere during pregnancy, but we recommend chatting with your attending physician prior to beginning a treatment regime, and also wait until after your first trimester.

Are there side effects?

After your electrolysis treatment, you may see slight redness and/or swelling but this is normal and these mild symptoms will lessen anywhere from ½ hour to a few hours. After hair is treated, it leaves an open follicle that is prone to bacteria. Keeping the area clean and avoiding makeup or harsh products on the area for 24 hours is advised. Complete details on before and after care procedures will be provided at your initial consultation.

Does electrolysis work if hair has been tweezed for years?

Yes! Waxing and tweezing hair increases blood supply to follicles.Hair re-growth will be coarser as a result and may require more treatments than fine hair. That said, you definitely would realize permanent results by the end of your treatment program.

Are probes safe?

Only new, pre-sterilized, disposable probes are used for each appointment. All metal instruments used in a treatment as well as all equipment and treatment areas are thoroughly sanitized and/or sterilized before and after every treatment.

What about laser?

A lot of people ask, “Well, isn’t laser permanent? They often advertise that it is permanent.” Laser is considered by the FDA to be permanent hair reduction. It cannot completely destroy the follicle, nor is it painless. Laser treatments only cripple the follicles, allowing for a period of decreased growth, thus reducing the size and thickness of the hair in the treated area. Additionally, laser hair removal has not been evaluated for long-term safety of the skin. Lasers are not ideal for all skin or hair colors nor are they capable of selectively targeting individual hairs. The only method of permanent hair removal, as stated by the FDA, is electrolysis. For additional information on laser hair removal, please visit the FDA’s site which clearly explains the permanence of electrolysis over the temporary and occasionally permanent ‘reduction’ of laser hair removal:

What about waxing, threading, and sugaring?

Permanency only comes with electrolysis. Many people like to wax large areas and don’t mind the routine, the discomfort and the cost associated with this ongoing process. Waxing and tweezing however, only remove the hair shaft itself, leaving behind the dermal papilla that is capable of producing more hair for the next growth cycle. Aggressive successive treatments can in fact cause the opposite of what most people want, deeper, coarser hair that eventually will take longer to remove using electrolysis.It’s the very action of ripping the hair out that stimulates the follicle, making it more tenacious.


Bleaching hair on the face or other parts of the body will have the same outcome as bleaching the hair on your head. After a while, the hair becomes damaged and coarse looking and this can be just as noticeable simply because it now looks so different in contrast to the kind of hair most people expect to see.

Shaving and depilatory creams?

Shaving will only remove the hair you see. That includes the very fine vellus hair that some people refer to as “peach fuzz”. Shaving can promote ingrown hairs and small microscopic cuts are a certainty. Ask any man that shaves. The other downside to shaving vellus hair is that over time, it can become coarser and stubbly. Again, the opposite of what most people want. Depilatories are harsh and for many, can cause chemical burns of the surface of the skin. At a minimum, this can create a red and irritated looking complexion.

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