To ensure the most beautiful results in your permanent hair removal journey, please partner with your ElectroYogi in this simple before and after care routine. Your skin and hair will be forever grateful!
Before your appointment
- Please shave or clip (as absolutely close to the surface of the skin) the areas to be treated 3-4 days before treatment. This will ensure we have hairs to work with that are in the most active stage of growth.Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Since ample moisture content is one of the key factors in the success of electro-epilation, please consume as much pure water as possible at least 24 hours before treatment. In the hours directly before your appointment, please try to drink at least 24-48 ounces. I cannot emphasize this enough, as simple hydration (inside and externally) will make your treatments so so much more effective and comfortable.Skip your morning cup o’Joe, especially in the hours before your appointment. Please also steer clear of sodas or other stimulants. Your nervous system will be calmer and your hair follicles will respond better to treatment.
- Moisturize the areas to be treated topically in the morning before your appointment as per your regular skin care routine.
- Please be clean and fresh when having bodywork treatments. If you’ve just come from your daily workout, kindly freshen up in the ElectroYogi restroom prior to treatment.
- If having an underarm treatment, please skip your deodorant or antiperspirant on the day of your appointment. The follicle mouth will be more receptive to treatment as a result.
- Most importantly, RELAX! Breathe and enjoy the fact that you are becoming hair free permanently. You’re blessed to be receiving treatment from the finest equipment available — Exhale.
After your appointment
Keep it clean. Your ElectroYogi will have taken the most detailed precautions to protect your skin before and after treatment. Please refrain from touching, rubbing, scratching or squeezing the area(s) treated. We recommend (particularly for areas like upper lip or where bacteria easily accumulates) using gentle tea tree moistened wipes (NOT full strength tea tree oil) to sanitize the area 2 times per day. Also feel free to simply use your favorite gentle cleanser. Follow with 100 percent aloe vera at night or your favorite moisturizer/ lotion. ElectroYogi carries a beautiful line of completely natural products that can also speed and enhance your optimal recovery.
Please stay out of the sun for at least 24 hours after treatment, especially on the face. If you are out and about, please use a moisturizer or sunscreen with SPF 28 or above – more than 30 is not necessary, however it IS VITAL to protect yourself from the sun during your healing phase else you could subject your skin to hyperpigmentation
After underarm treatments, please refrain from using deodorant or antiperspirant for 24 hours after treatment
After face treatments, please refrain from using makeup, particularly creamy foundations, for 24 hours after treatment.
Allow the skin to form its natural protective barrier for healing prior to introducing any potential irritants.
Refrain from hot tubs, pools, saunas, steam rooms or extreme workouts (Bikram or Ashtanga yoga, running, or anything that will get you very sweaty) for at least 48 hours after treatment. Let’s ensure that no unnecessary bacteria is introduced into the treated areas
Please try to wear loose-fitting clothes, particularly in bikini, nape, and underarm areas treated so as to allow the skin maximum breathing and healing opportunities.